Keep up to date with message activity across your orders through on-site notifications
When a new comment is posted to one of your orders, you’ll now be notified on site in addition to via email. A red dot will appear on the message icon located in the navigation bar when new comment activity occurs. Clicking this icon will expand a dropdown which contains a roll up of all notifications across your orders sorted by most recent. The orange indicator next to each notification can be used to determine which comments you’ve not yet read.
From here, you can click into any notification to be navigated to the comment thread on that order and continue conversing with your supply chain partners.
Quickly search through all the messages on an order to easily find and reference past conversations
Through the addition of a search bar in the messages tab on your orders, you’ll now be able to search through all historical messages. Typing in keywords will filter all comment activity on that order, finding results whose sender name, comment body or file attachments match those keywords.
If you are already an Anvyl customer, these features should be available right on your dashboard. To learn more about Anvyl, please request a brief consultation.